Adult services
Delivering a wide range of high quality adult care and support services.
Providing a positive experience
We’ve developed a wide range of high-quality care and support services over the years to meet the needs of autistic adults, their families and carers.
These services are all designed to improve quality of life, provide a positive experience and safeguard our service users.
Our staff use person-centred principles, which promotes each individual’s wellbeing with bespoke, tailored care plans and enables them to access accommodation-based services and/or day services.
Many of our services are inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
View our CQC ratings on the Care Quality Commission website.
What service do you need?
Employment services
Flexible day opportunities
Holiday lettings
Respite service
Social autism space
Need support?
We have a team of extremely experienced staff that understands autism. If you need more information on our services, please get in touch at